Danyel Waters - Go Change A Life Today. 'All Rise Up' Podcast Ep
You owe the world to be as prosperous as you possibly can, because it's people who have money, with a heart like yours, that will make the most difference.
Tara Bliss on Conscious Inter-dependance.
"I can't make you EVER get well, or free yourself financially. I can only be the lighthouse, And be stubbornly that. You move I move."
"This Is About Service". Rochelle Hubbard on the 'All Rise Up Podcast'
Interview with Blue Diamond Rochelle Hubbard. There's something about Rochelle Hubbard's energy that makes me want to lay in the grass in the sun and just say 'heal me please'.
Why my husband doesn't work with me. A small 'BIG' business convo with my husband Cam.
The #1 mistake you make when messaging the doTERRA with your loved ones & why I won't work with my husband in doTERRA. Cam and I answer questions you've posed to us about the doTERRA business and our Presidential Diamond experience over the last 2 years.
"I want everyone to be more successful than me!"
Why I want every person to be more successful in their doTERRA business than me.
Pomegranate and Lime Gummies
These delicious pomegranate gummies are made with tart juice, flavoured with lime essential oil and are great for healing the gut.