Mother Magik. Musings and small big business conversations.


[powerpress]Small Big Business Conversations. Ep 1. Mother Magik.Sometimes, when I’m driving in my car, I turn around and look in the backseat and there are two small human faces staring at me. In a flash I think ‘How did THAT happen?’I am apparently, supposedly, an adult. And a parent. An adult with other lives to take care of. It’s a blink of a realisation that life can change in an instant and a reminder that time flies. How did ‘THAT’ happen?The same can be said for doTERRA, and I’m sure that many others have felt it to.For those of you who are rising through ranks and for my Presidential Diamond sistas and brothers, I think that the sentence we have repeated may be more like ‘What JUST HAPPENED?’. I have found myself thinking this many times over the last 2 ½ years. What is this? How on earth did this happen? What just happened? Is this my life? How can it get any better? How did ‘That’ happen? Hey friends.My name is Alice Nicholls and I’m a Presidential Diamond with doTERRA. I’m based in Melbourne Australia right now (because we are on the move to warmer climates sometime soon).  I have two little girls, a cycling mad husband, and a crazy dog. I love cooking, I love reading grisly murder books, I love to sweat, I love teaching families how to choose simpler, more natural options for their whole health and wellbeing… and I LOVE doTERRA essential oils. Recently, after 2+ years of doing my own version of Diamond Club every month, I had a couple of weeks when my mind kinda went ‘blergh’. I would open a page to write support and education for you, and nothing would come, so I put my head down, kept doing the business steps and let be. Then, when I was feeling ready again, I went to drop two podcasts I’d been keeping up my sleeve when I killed my trusty laptop and all that was saved on it’s desktop with one spill of a hot turmeric latte. That laptop was literally with me for the inception and creation of every small business I have ever managed myself. 6 years of entrepreneurship, eCourses, digital product creation and launches and hundreds of thousands of words, uncomfortable ‘send’ button presses and so many lessons. Somehow that free’d me a little and with a new laptop and a clear desktop, I’m here to share. These coming podcasts on the All Rise Up podcast are going to be a little different than usual as I want to use them as a scalable means of some personalised ‘Alice’ stories and coaching through your initial stages in your doTERRA business. I want you to succeed. The more successful you are partnering with doTERRA, the more opportunities you have, but my selfish reason for wanting your success is that the entire world will be better off. Just simple reasons yeah?The whole entire world will be better off. This little yarn one is just an intro and I’m aiming this at those of you whom are just getting started. So let’s say it’s week ONE of your decision to share. You’ve got the incredible resources printed that are outlined in Empowered Success, I’m sure (right?) but maybe you’re head’s all over the place or you’re just looking for some kind of sign that you’re in the right place. Well, welcome.When I decided to share some of this type of training (which is really just my thoughts and hopes and wishes for your wellbeing in life)  I was going to deliver with the intention of being the straight up and down pragmatic, butt-kickin’ me... and absolutely NO woo. As a woman working with thousands of women, I tend to be hyper-aware that my personality and experience don’t lend itself best to my leading you by the cycle of the moons but rather, through practical lessons, personal stories, a stoic energy of ‘your excuses and limiting stories aren’t welcome to walk alongside me today’ and also just ‘Do the work’. And then, an hour before I started writing the outline for this ep, I had a call with Brittney Stirling, whom I work closely with here in Australia. If her last name sounds familiar, there’s a reason for that. One of doTERRA’s founders, Dave Stirling’s claim to fame is that he’s Brittney Stirling’s dad. She’s a total legend and you could say she has a really solid knowledge of the doTERRA company and this space we work in. She’s been around for the entire life of the business. Anyway, Brittney asked me how I came to be working with doTERRA. And honestly, it’s all a little hazy. It’s like looking in the back seat and getting the whole ‘How did THAT happen?’ feeling all over again. For me anyway. I feel like there’s a fuzzy void of life that existed in say, the month ‘pre-doTERRA’ and then the month ‘post-doTERRA’, because I keenly remember when I felt ALL IN for the business. LIKE ALL IN,  maybe within 10 weeks of sharing (maybe less), and I remember receiving three oils in the mail from my gal Tara Bliss - who I ultimately enrolled with - back when my primary business revenue came from digital courses across health and blogging.. but that bit between receiving three oils as a gift to opening the Home Essentials Kit I purchased for reasons I am now unsure of… it’s blurry. Now I know that those 2 or so months I can’t quite remember in a weird fuzzy state, will have been the time my life transitioned in its greatest inception (so far). I have to, must, do believe without a shadow of a doubt that some force bigger than me, or maybe exactly my size, wrote this experience and placed me here. It was written. Then of course, much of that I believe is Mother Nature magic. Maybe it helps you to know that I had no idea WHY in the beginning, when I started I was here 2 ½ years ago, but that I trusted and I did the things FIRST before I knew it was destined, and that by trusting and doing the actual things you create the perfect environment for the WHY to come.Trust. And say YES.And take action. I will stake everything I know on the fact that if you sit on your hands and you do nothing, the ‘moments’... those ones we remember forever, and the epiphanies, and the ‘Ahas’ and the personal development experiences don’t come like you are probably expecting they should. You’ve gotta be movin’’ for them to MEET you. Trust. Say Yes. Take action. Last September, I attended my first ever Global convention in Utah. I spent the cash, rented a horrific AirBnB (another story), bought the ticket, kissed the kids goodbye and went. As I sat in that convention hall, absorbing the energy of - literally - my people. (you know, the ones who care about the same shit that you do even though you’ve never met), and a woman named Ruth Gough walked out on that stage in a fire-engine red dress and set the room alight. Ruth shared her personal experience with doTERRA. I won’t go into it, but suffice to say it may have been a life-saver… And as I sat there, IN IT, invested in it, absorbing it all… and as Ruth said ‘How many lives will you change because you advocate for wellness?’ It happened. It dropped in. I sat there, already in love with the business, the people, the product, and I had this incredible stillness come over me. A complete feeling of coming HOME. ‘I’m home’, I thought to myself: ‘If they will have me, I will partner with this company FOREVER. Forever. I’m home. Now THAT wouldn’t have happened had I been playing along at home. Trust. Say Yes. Take action. I was on a cruise in amongst the Alaskan glacier land in October last year with fellow Diamonds and above (yes I realise how sensational this sounds and believe me, it was just that), and Presidential Diamond Vanessa Jean Boscarello Ovens walked us through a meditation. Those of you who know Ness will know she can do a guided medi that can go really deep really fast… AND that can go for an extended period of time. I was ‘checking out’ as is something I do often, because I have a steadfast and annoying - even to me - habit of not even trying to sink into a medi if I don’t choose the time and space. A silly and defiant act of rebellion.I decided that instead of doing and being in Ness’s medi flow, I was going to chant a mantra inside my head instead:  ‘I am Presidential Diamond, on or before December 31st 2017’. At this time I was Blue Diamond, and it was October, and I had been a wellness advocate for 17 months. ‘I am Presidential Diamond, on or before December 31st 2017’. ‘I am Presidential Diamond, on or before December 31st 2017’. ‘I am Presidential Diamond, on or before December 31st 2017’. ‘I am Presidential Diamond, on or before December 31st 2017’. When Ness was done with her meditation… she came up for air. I remember her voice. She was preaching something brilliant I am sure… and what I hear is: ‘’blah blah blah, ‘because YOU are going to be Presidential Diamond soon right!?’ and as she says it, she turns and looks at me, and in that moment, I FELT a hot bolt hit me. I can’t describe it better than to say that her pointing from across the room created a physical sensation within me. ‘Was I thinking so loudly then that I was audible?’ ‘Had I accidently spoken the words aloud?’I went up to Vanessa as we were filing out of the room and I said ‘How did you know?’ And she said ‘I see you’re going for Presi it next month right? November.’Hahahah’, I laughed. ‘There is no way November. But I was planning on aiming for December 31st or before.’ She said ‘I think it will be sooner’ Mother Magik. I went back to the cabin I was sharing with Tara and I said ‘I believe I’m going for Presidential Diamond in November. Next month’.And I told her how Vanessa ‘Harry Potter’d’ me. See how Woo has crept in with zero intentions? Just humour me for a bit if you will. I suppose it could have been anyone who said it, and I suppose anyone could easily have guessed that of course I was going for presi… choose a date or month close and I am sure to be thinking about it, of course. BUT, the Harry Potter moment was where the act from Ness invited me - without even knowing it - to trust, and say yes, and just take action.  I would have aimed for December, when we were ‘more ready’ and I would have given it my best shot and hopefully succeeded, however I have found that when it comes to what is possible and what is not, and the limitlessness of the human capacity when actively engaged with a goal is kinda miraculous. When a decision is made concrete in our belief, the world conspires to reward the decision. It’s the law of attraction isn’t it? Or, Mother Magik. Perhaps you don’t feel like this Mother Magik is working for you. I’ve got a special kind of supposition for you that bucks the current trend of choosing a WHY that’s outside of yourself. My supposition is that Mother Magik brought doTERRA to you, to heal YOU first. That’s what I imagine. That’s what I have and am still experiencing. And maybe you’re still in suffering yourself. Maybe you don’t believe in something higher or a higher power, or even believing yet how much bigger than your body you really are and so if that’s the case, allow me to hold onto the truth in that for you for a while, or at least as long as it takes for you to believe.While you trustAnd say yes.And take actionThere’s 7.4b people in the world and 7M doTERRA customers. Thanks so many nifty mathematicians on Instagram, I found that there are less than 0.1%  of people in the world with a doTERRA account. Less than 0.1%And then within that less than 0.1% of the world’s population with a doTERRA account, there is 11% on average.. Sharing. I mean, when you consider that really, how rare it is to even be here with these gifts from the earth. You’re within 11% of the 0.1% of the world’s population that is able to take this gift and this conversation into homes and to the people and advocate for wellness, and and change lives in doing so. share now and support healing and health in the world. I don’t see doTERRA as the product. Rather, 'Mother Nature' is the product, doTERRA is simply the bridge that She (Mother Nature) conjured up in her wisest and most knowing glory and bottled her potent message for us in a deliverable state so that we could easily start a conversation with others. Thus begins the incredibly important work we have to do in the world today.doTERRA in so many ways, is really just a humble channel for Her.So. See how my pragmatism and mic-droppin’ efforts to stay away from the woo and stay soley  ‘JUST DO IT’ have been impossible? Because like with the oils do, they work with all areas of wellbeing and in all facets of our lives. In our creativity and joy and relationships and in our physical, environmental and emotional and spiritual health. They vibrate with the frequency of our body and they move into our cells. They become us un a way, and we them, as Mother Nature Magik tends to do when it all comes down to it. With every cell I am made from, I believe this. I believe we are here as visionaries for a better-feeling self and a better-feeling world. And if you’re thinking that this is difficult or feels hard just now, please take a moment to honour the sliding doors, the Harry Potter moments… the Mother Natire Magic that led you here to this place. Now, may I take a moment to honour you and where you stand because you have a very important role in the history of the world right now. I am going to take a breath… and I want you to, wherever you are right now, take a moment to honor yourself for the responsibility that Mother Magic has bestowed on you and brought you here to this place. You may not think you have, but you have started. And the world needs you. I truly believe YOU are a miracle for being in this position right now and that you - quite frankly - don’t stop, don’t give up, learn, lean, love, live and honour this gift that you have. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” There are things I can guarantee you now: 1. It is not fate or luck or ‘just because’ that brought you here as part of the 11% of the 0.1%. It is written. There are forces much bigger than we can ever know that have come together to bring you here. This wasn’t a mistake. You are indeed the exact right person to hold the honour of doing this work. 2.You’re going to need to get uncomfortable. Growth can often-times feel difficult and fire-hot uncomfortable. so I’m putting this down here now… everything is going to be okay. You are going to learn so much here. You are in the right place. 3. There is big healing that needs to be done.  And you’re just getting started.


Why my husband doesn't work with me. A small 'BIG' business convo with my husband Cam.


"I want everyone to be more successful than me!"